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Instagram Marketing Tips that Perform Better

· IGTV,Instagram

Instagram marketing is the process that brands use to stay connected with their target audiences and sell their products online.

Instagram popularity has increased in the past few years as an exciting platform for brands to showcase their products and engage with customers.

Instagram gives the option to users to share photos and videos to their profile and stay connected with your friends and family members. Also, it’s an exciting platform to market your products.

Here are the details of some Instagram marketing tips that work better for your business.

Instagram Stories

Instagram launched Instagram Stories feature that gives users the option to post photos and videos that appear in a slideshow format. Like Snapchat Stories, these Stories disappeared after 24 hours. Stories are shown up in a coloured ring around the user’s profile picture.

Instagram Stories are the best way to engage the audience in a short time. The audience quickly engaged with your Stories because it shows at the top of your follower’s regular feed.


Instagram users can also go live with Instagram Stories feature, which means they can post a video with their followers they can see in real-time.

IGTV has not the limit of 60 seconds like regular Instagram videos. IGTV is a popular feature for content creators. It is used to share long-form video content. Utilize this feature to promote your business online.