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Ways to Get Your Posts Featured with Instagram Hashtags

· Instagram Followers,Instagram Likes,Instagram,Social Media

Getting featured in the trending list of Instagram hashtags is an important opportunity. Becoming featured on the Instagram Explore Page, it can result in a large audience impact that makes your post to go viral on Instagram.

But how can you get featured in the trending hashtags on Instagram? And what factors do you have to see by deciding which posts to feature?

We describe everything you want to know regarding trending Instagram hashtags and how to get featured on Top.

What is Trending Instagram Hashtags?

If you have ever searched before for a hashtag on Instagram, you may perhaps notice the grid of 9 “top posts” that shows at the top of the results page.

According to Instagram, top posts show on trending hashtags “to give you the most famous posts that were tagged with hashtag.” So getting the top posts can indicate large exposure for your brand!

What Builds a “Top Post” on Instagram?


No one knows how the Instagram algorithm works, but we all understand that Instagram favours a post that gets a lot of engagement, meaning that if a post gets more likes and comments, it is more possible to feature this post on a top of a trending hashtag.

Hashtag Popularity

Find popular hashtags on Instagram. Choose one of the popular hashtags and add them into your posts. It helps your posts to get popular and show in the trending list of Instagram hashtags. Hashtag popularity also helps your posts to get on the top list of Instagram.